Video Game News

Last updated on 5/1/16.

I have been able to play the “Eclipse” DLC on Black Ops 3. There some very interesting things on the new zombies map, both for good and bad.

  1. Zetsubou No Shima has buckets that you can find around the map. You can fill these buckets with water tainted with 115. The 115 water has a few different uses. I’ll get to those later.
  2. The new map has seeds that are similar to the harvest pods on Shadows Of Evil, except you don’t need a fumigator. Getting back to #1, you can use 115 water to make the seeds grow faster. The average seed grows within 2 rounds.
  3. Treyarch brought back the M1 Grand from WAW! I was so excited when I found this out. It is still a beast gun, as it was in WAW. The only downside is you can’t reload. You have to wait ’til you use all of the ammo in the clip.
  4. While on the topic, they also brought back the MP-40 as the HG-40. This gun is basically a Kida reskin. The HG-40 has the same fire rate, but less damage. Overall, the HG-40 is a good weapon to have, but the Kuda can be better.
  5. Treyarch also added a new wonder weapon. This gun is called the KT-4, when upgraded, is called the Masamune. A lot of people expected Takeo’s katana because of this name. Masamune was an ancient swordsmith who made some of Japan’s grestest swords, so obviously a sword right? Wrong, just another gun. The wonder weapon is still a very good gun, but I have personally never used the gun so I can’t say.
  6. Hellhounds are replaced with spiders. The spiders can shoot webs at you or melee you. Spiders can also spin a web around doors. When this happens, all you need to do is walk up and hold down X or square (depending on the console) and that will tear down the webs with a katana. So, I guess we do get it?
  7. Of course with every zombies map we have a new zombie boss. This one’s a little different. This zombie boss has little orange pods that you have to shoot. A normal zombie can turn into this if it has orange smoke around it to much. The orange smoke can also take your guns for a few seconds. While downed, the thrashe can eat you, but your friend can save you if (s)he kills it in time. 
  8. There are a LOT of glitches in this map including, invisible zombies, invincible zombies, and spiders that appear to be zombies you can’t kill. These glitches aren’t too common, but can still easily happen.
  9. Juggevive. This another glitch hoped to be patched soon. This glitch makes quick revive and juggernogg inside of each other. You can still buy jugg, but on solo, this may hurt you.
    Image result for juggernog quick revive glitch zetsubou no shima
  10. The perks on this map spawn similar to Nuketown. After a little bit a plane comes and drops a perk, but some are already spawned in. The plane comes pretty often, so Treyarch fixed their mistake.
  11. Widows Wine is available after beating the spider boss (part of the easter egg). After beating him you simply walk up and grab it out of some purple water.
  12. You have get parts to unlock PAP (pack-a-punch). This is a little tricky and time consuming, but kind of worth it, I guess?
  13. To turn on the power you have to have buckets. You have to open the generator doors (1000 points each) then fill the generators with 115 water. The generators are only temporary though because you have to go the bunker and open another door (1500 points) then unclog the underwater pipes. To unclog them, all you have to do is swim in the water next to the main power and cut the webs. After that you will be trapped in the water for a minute or two. Don’t worry there are air pockets. Then walk out and turn on the power. This may sound like a lot, but really it’s quick and easy.
  14. Treayarch also added a new spider boss. It is a giant spider you have to kill to get parts for the easter egg. The spider boss does not have tons of health nor a lot of damage, so you don’t have to worry. After beating the spider boss you get a spider tooth (part for upgrading KT-4), widows wine, and purple 115 water. image